Our Thoughts Matter.
And our thoughts CREATE MATTER.
The body does not know the difference between a real event and one that we have imagined.
Our big brilliant brains are amazing machines. We can mentally rehearse an event and affect real change in our lives.
A study on the effects of mental rehearsal involved practicing piano exercises to measure the changes that might take place in the brain.
Two groups of people were taught the same simple piano exercise. One group practiced the exercise for 2 hours every day for 5 days. The 2nd group never even touched the piano but mentally rehearsed the exercise for the same length of time as the 1st group.
The results? You guessed it.
The mental rehearsal group produced the same changes in their brains as the participants who physically practiced the piano. Those who only imagined the exercises were able to play them as well as those who actually practiced.
The mental rehearsal concept in Neuroscience is called Hebbian Learning.
Simply put it means that “nerve cells that fire together, wire together” (thanks drjoe)
For more on this check out Evolve your Brain or any of the other amazing books by Dr Joe Dispenza
So can actually change your life by changing your thoughts.
Just make the decision and move forward. Umbrellas Up!