The Elephant and the Rider


One of the reasons why it can be so difficult to change is that we have 2 parts of our brains that are often out of sync. 

We have both a Rational brain and an Emotional brain. 

And when these 2 parts are in conflict, the emotional brain always wins. 

Think of a tiny Rider on the back of an enormous Elephant. 

The rider is our reasoning and analytical thought.

The elephant comprises our emotions and intuitions. 

The rider may WANT to go in a certain direction but if the 6 ton Elephant doesn’t FEEL like it, then they are not going anywhere. 

Our plans to change are useless if our Rider & Elephant are not working together towards a common goal. Our Emotional elephant will always overpower our Rational rider. 

So how do we get the Rider and Elephant working together? 

1-Direct the rider- give them a clear goal to move toward. Know your What, why and where. 

2-Be Aware of your Elephant- Get to know your Elephant-listen to the stories they tell you. Your rider can coax them along once they know what they really feel. 

3- Shape the path- remove as many obstacles in your way and create a path of least resistance. Set your environment up for success. 

The analogy of the Rider and the elephant is very helpful when we are trying to change a habit. We may think we are rational reasonable people but actually our emotions are in charge. 

Awareness is the key to motivating your elephant. You can only coax them forward if you able to change how the elephant feels. 

Its not about what we WANT. Its about how we FEEL. 

We must change how we feel in order to change our lives. 


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