Your thoughts are your truth.
The thoughts we think create our lives.
And your thoughts can keep you stuck in old patterns or they can move you forward towards new possibilities.
It is estimated that we think approximately 60,000 thoughts per day and the majority of these thoughts are the same repetitive thoughts we have had the day before.
And the reason we feel stuck in our lives is that we rarely even think about what we think about.
This lack of awareness keeps us in an automatic cycle of thinking a thought & feeling the associated emotion that reinforces the thought so we think that way again.
The same thoughts lead to the same choices which lead to the same experiences which lead to the same emotion which then leads to the same thought again.
For example, if you constantly have thoughts of unworthiness, then you are going to feel unworthy and then you will think of yourself as an unworthy person. You will attract people and circumstances that reaffirm your thoughts of unworthiness and this becomes your truth.
So how do you break out of a damaging cycle of thinking negative thoughts and living these thoughts as your Truth?
1- Become aware of your thoughts. Journal & Meditate. Do the work to discover and examine your thoughts.
2- Question your thoughts. are they true? are they learned from childhood? are they limiting you? are they empowering you?
3- Choose your thoughts. We are not our thoughts. We are the ones thinking our thoughts. And we actually get to choose what we think about.
It is a simple yet radical concept to know that you are in control of what you think.
And Mastering this concept is what allows us to begin to rewire our brains and change our lives.
This is Big Work. You are undoing years of subconscious programming,
Be kind and gentle with yourself as you go through this process.
Your thoughts are your truth. What truth will you choose to live?