In an effort to change our lives we often wait for something external to change before we feel we can move forward towards our goal.
We wait for a person to behave differently, we wait to get the new job or to find our soulmate. We say…when those things happen, then I will be happy, then my life will change for the better.
However, the truth is that when we change ourselves, the world around us changes.
When we make the decision to change the way we feel; when we change our reactions, perceptions and interpretations, things around us begin to change as well.
When we let go of our long held, out-dated stories about how life works, our patterns and judgements fall away as well. We begin to see our world in a new light. New opportunities and relationships show up. Coincidences happen.
The Universe winks.
Life changes when you change.
This all might sound really simplistic- head in the clouds, pie in the sky- “just change yourself and your life will change!” So, if it seems this way to you or if you ever doubt your own power, then just try it out for yourself- be your own experiment.
First - think about what you want to create in your life.
Then, think about WHY you want it- (hint: everything we ever want is because we think we will feel better in the having of it!) So a better question might be- how will you FEEL once that dream is realized? Happy? Loved? Secure?
Now- practice feeling those feelings. Right now, right here before the thing shows up- regardless of what is or isn’t happening for you in the moment. If you want love, be love- to everyone and everything. If you want success, act as if- in every situation and every interaction however small or seemingly insignificant.
And yes, Action is an important step towards your dream. And you can’t just think & feel your way out of an intolerable situation. However, action without internal change never leads to real and lasting results.
So just keep practicing changing yourself first. Be the thing you want. Be more love, be more success, be more joy. As Rumi wrote - “Shine like the whole universe is yours.”
Because it is.
Know that however insurmountable your current reality seems, you always have the power to change yourself. You can choose your reactions, You can choose your mood.
You can change. And when you change, your life will begin to change as well.