Be the best Barista.


We have to make peace with our current situation in order to change our lives. 

This seems so paradoxical- how can I love my life “here” when I want to be over “there”? 

How can I both love the life I have AND work towards a goal to change it? 

We have all encountered those lovely people who shine doing so called “menial work” - the energetic guy who pumps our gas with a big smile , the kind sales clerk who is patient and with us as we return an item or the caring barista who makes our coffee and our day with her positive attitude. 

These unique individuals learned that their job is to show up and do their best . They are in the flow of life wherever they happen to be. And by doing so you can bet that much bigger dreams are in store for them. 

You too can “Be the Best Barista” simply by not resisting the life you have now while you work towards your dream. 

As Eckhart Tolle writes so beautifully in his life changing book “A New Earth” - “resistance is an inner contraction .... the universe will not be on your side...... if the shutters are closed the sunlight cannot get in- when you surrender - circumstances and people become helpful, cooperative, Coincidences happen.” 

When we decide to do our best where we are and surrender to a state of joy, our new lives open up before us. 

If you want to change your life you need to be the best barista- be the best version of you. Wherever you are. 


One Small Promise.


Do you believe in MAGIC?