One Small Promise.
Changing a habit can seem overwhelming. How often do we start something new and then give up because its seems too difficult to change?
One way to combat that feeling of overwhelm is to keep one teeny tiny promise to yourself everyday.
This little promise can be something as simple as Drinking a glass of water, walking around the block, meditating for 5 min. It is important that you make it small and achievable.
Once you set yourself up for success with this small daily promise you are training your brain to view yourself as someone who can accomplish a goal.
Even if this small promise seems really insignificant, it is important to keep it up for 30 days.
After that time change to a new small promise.
You will begin to trust yourself. You will begin to see that your are capable of change. That you can accomplish bigger goals.
Take this baby step. Begin to change your life with One small promise.