Big Talk.
When you are actively working on changing your life for the better you will notice that your conversations will change.
You will start to crave deeper connections and more meaningful conversations.
You become less interested in small talk and more interested in Big Talk.
Big Talk is the language of possibilities.
Small Talk is the language of blame and judgement
Big talk lifts us and others up
Small talk gossips and demeans.
Big talk is open and vulnerable.
Small talk is guarded and surface.
Big Talk says Why not?
Small talk says Why me?
Our conversations have power. They seep into our subconscious and become part of who we are. So, if we want to change our lives and work to heal the world we must work on engaging in more BIG TALK.
Most of our daily conversations are based in small talk. When you are in a public place, listen up. Listen to the snippets of conversations you hear.
People talk about themselves and what they feel was “done” to them.
“He said this to me”, “Can you believe they acted that way? I can’t do that, I’ll try to do that, this is just the way I am.
We compare, blame and judge in an attempt to lift ourselves up.
We define our current reality as what is and argue for our limitations.
You will know you are starting to change when this small talk starts to drain you.
You can choose to engage in Big Talk. You can steer the conversation toward a deeper connection with others. Or you can choose to hang higher and not spend time with those for whom small talk is their only form of communication.
Because Small Talk keeps us stuck.
And Big Talk will moves us forward.
What conversations will you choose to have today?