Is it True?
Our limiting beliefs about ourselves hold us back from living the lives we want.
And if we don’t question these beliefs, they become our reality.
Many of us hold on to beliefs such as:
I’m not worthy of love.
I’m not good with money.
I’m too old to start over.
I’m not smart enough, thin enough, educated enough... the list could go on and on.
We affirm these beliefs to ourselves over and over again and they become the lens through which we see the world.
How do we break out of these limiting beliefs?
Ask yourself a simple question..... Is it True?
Is what I believe about myself really true or is it something I learned in my childhood and never questioned?
The “Is it true?” question momentarily wakes us up and shakes us out of our subconscious programming.
When you start to ask “is it True?” , you will often find instances or examples in your life that contradicted these beliefs - there were times when you have been good with money or when you have been loved,
But you have ignored this reality in favor of the reality based on your beliefs- our subconscious programming is that powerful.
To move forward in our lives we must take the time to question the beliefs that may be holding us back.
Big change starts with a small question.
What do you believe about yourself?
And is it true?