Can you SEE me?


There is one thing every single one of us on this planet has in common- we all want to be SEEN. 

We want to feel like we matter, that we are enough and that we make a difference in the world.

Everyone one of us. Regardless of social status or job title. Your neighbor, your boss, your coworkers, your loved ones. We all just want to feel valued. 

And this longing to be SEEN is exacerbated the fact that many people suffer from extreme loneliness. 

A January 2020 study found that over 61% adults across all ages in the US report feeling lonely. And with the physical distancing we are all experiencing right now so many more of have lost our social connections and are feeling isolated. 

Whether we are feeling lonely or not, we are all suffering some sort of loss right now and many of are struggling to even know who we are or where we fit in. 

So now more than ever we need to feel SEEN. 

The Good news is that we all have the ability to do this for someone else. We can make someone else feel SEEN, Just simply reach out and connect with compassion. 

We can ask someone how they are holding up during these challenging times. 

We can listen to eachother- really listen without adding in our interjections and interruptions. 

We can call someone and let them know we are thinking of them.

We can smile at a stranger (even with our eyes while wearing a mask).  

We can send someone an encouraging text. 

We can offer to pick up groceries for someone.

These simple acts of compassion and connection will start to heal our lonely world. And if you are feeling invisible or unappreciated- if you feel that you need to be SEEN - just try making someone else feel SEEN and you will feel better as well. 

We all need to be SEEN. It is a basic human need that connects us all. 

Make the decision to make someone feel SEEN today.

It will change their day. It will change your mood. It just might change our world. 


Connection not Perfection


What path will you take?