Change your questions. Change your life.
What if you could change your life by changing the questions you ask yourself?
We ask ourselves questions all day long. And the quality of those questions determines the quality of our lives.
Remember we spend 95% of our lives running our subconscious programs- so we ask and answer the same questions over and over again throughout our days. And our lives become a direct reflection of the answers to these questions.
Why can’t I leave this dead end job?
Why can’t I find a life partner?
Why can’t I lose these last 10 pounds?
And because these answers come from our subconscious programs, often they have no basis in reality- they are just habitual patterns of thought.
The good news is once you become aware of the questions and answer dialogue going on inside you can change the questions and get better answers.
How about changing your Why can’t I questions to What if I??
What if looked for another job?
What if I could meet just one nice guy who is perfect for me?
What if I could love myself enough to really want to get healthy?
You are in control of your questions. You are in control of your answers.
And your new answers will begin to change how you feel. And these feelings will help to create a new you.
Make the Decision to ask better questions!