Why change is so difficult.
One of the primary reasons it can be difficult to change is that our emotional brains are wired to keep us SAFE.
We actually see Change as Danger.
We think that staying the SAME keeps us SAFE.
Our brains are designed for a world much different than the one we live in- so you could say that we are operating with some old equipment!
While we have a neocortex that makes choices and reason and figure things out, we also have an older animalistic limbic brain that acts on instinct.
Back when our ancestors roamed the savannah this instinct and hypervigilance served us well. Our limbic brains wired up to see change as a threat because at that time in our human history change really could mean danger. You left the pack (changed ) and you would face certain death.
But our world has changed over the centuries- we have very few real physical threats in our lives but our emotional brains still see change as danger.
We fear change because of the uncertainty it brings. Studies have shown that our brains actually prefer a predictable outcome over an uncertain one.
Here’s the good news: Being aware that your brain views change as a threat can help us power through and change our lives even though it feels super scary.
Just know that you are never not going to not feel afraid. Its just the way you are wired. This is the power behind the quote “Feel the fear and do it anyway!”
SAME doesn’t really = SAFE