If we want to create a new experience or opportunity, we need to learn to be Aligned with what we want and Allow it to come to us.
And yes, planning and taking action are of course necessary steps to take on the road to changing our lives. However, the first and most important step in creating something new is getting in the space of being Aligned and Allowing.
So how do you get to the place of being Aligned with what you want and then Allowing it into your life?
1- Alignment is feeling the feelings of what you want even before your experience the physical thing in your life.
Everything we want has a Feeling associated with it. For example, lets say you want a new job- the feelings associated with having this new job might be peace, security, freedom and joy. Or maybe its a romantic relationship you are seeking- the feelings associated with this new partner might be connection, peace, love and happiness.
Our feelings ultimately affect what we experience in our lives, then find a to be aligned way to feel more of these positive emotions associated with what we want before it actually appears in our lives.
You can choose how you feel. And you can find ways to bring Joy into your life. Sing, dance, watch a funny movie - hang out with people who bring you joy. Take a walk in nature. Practice gratitude and acts of kindness. Just do the work of turning up your frequency as much as possible.
The better you feel, the better your life becomes. This is the magic of Alignment.
Once you have Aligned with what you want, then you have to Allow it into your life.
2- Allowing is different than Wanting. Wanting says it’s not here yet- Allowing comes from the faith in the not yet seen.
Wanting is hoping. Allowing is knowing.
Allowing is being open. Being receptive. Being deserving.
Allowing is being in the possibility of the thing.
Don’t block your Allowing with “two thought thinking”- (I want this but I can’t or I don’t….)
Don’t get caught up in exactly how it will come to you. Or when it will come to you. Just have faith and know. And allow all the good into your life.
Being Aligned & Allowing is a simple practice. However, it’s not always easy to get there.
This is Big Work. We often have to overcome years of subconscious programming, patterns and beliefs to get there. Be kind and gentle with yourself as you learn to Align with what you want and Allow it into your life.
The more you can Align & Allow, the more your life will begin to change.