Focus + Feeling = Future


When you want to change something in your life you really only need to do 2 things.  You must FOCUS on what you want and Feel the FEELINGS of having that thing. 

Really thats it. Get your Focus on the new life you want to create and get into the feelings of your future. 

FOCUS and FEEL  and your Future will come to you. 

Simple to understand? YES. Easy to do?  NO WAY. 

The challenging part is that you have to be able to focus on a future you cannot yet see in the physical world and feel the feelings of having that future ahead of the experience. 

And you have to do this In spite of what you see in your life as your Reality

So how do we focus and feel a new future when we are constantly  getting reinforcement of ‘this is they way it is” from our current reality? How do we FEEL THE FEELINGS of having our dream job, partner, home etc. when we are still focused on living the life we can see here and now? 

It is easier to Focus & Feel once you understand the proven science behind this theory. Quantum Physics calls this focus & feeling our Electromagnetic signature that we carry with us and vibrate into the quantum field of possibilities. 

When we combine a clear intention (our FOCUS) with an elevated emotion (out FEELINGS) we create a vibrational “match” of a potential that exists in the quantum field.

And you will draw that future potential to you. 

We are all energy and we are drawing to us what we put out. So what are we choosing to Focus on & how are we feeling? 

You can choose to focus on a future you cannot see yet. You can be your own experiment.  

Do whatever you can to get yourself focused & feeling and out of your current reality & the emotions of your current life. 

Meditate, Journal, Study. Vision board. Breathe. Question your stories . Watch your reactions. 

If you can stay Focused on and in the Feeling of what you want, your Future will come to you. 


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Is it True?