How to Practice Happiness.


Happiness doesn’t just “happen”. It takes discipline and practice. And practicing happiness can be a challenge at first. 

So how do we practice happiness? 

Here is a simple 5 step daily process that will help you rewire your brain and create more happiness in your life. 

#1 Write down 3 things you are grateful for every day. 

Make them detailed and different every day. The end of the day is a great time to write these- that way you are looking for moments of gratitude throughout your day.  

#2 Journal about one positive experience from your day- the act of writing this down is powerful. Try to fill your writing with the details and feelings of the event. 

#3 Exercise- 15 min of fun cardio exercise 

Whatever is fun for you- walk the dog, take a run, dance in your office 

Get your heart pumping & shift your mindset. 

#4 Meditation 

Even two minutes of quieting your mind brings you into the present moment- and out of thoughts of past regrets and future worries. 

#5 Random Kindness- one conscious kind act every day -  This can be something as simple as a kind text or paying for someone’s coffee. When you improve the lives of others you actually improve your life as well. 

All 5 of these practices help us to rewire our negatively biased brains and focus our attention on positivity. 

And what we focus on expands. 

Happiness happens through daily practice. 

Make a decision to practice Happiness and you will begin to see a shift in your life. 


You have to do the WORK.


JOY is the Ultimate Creator.