You have to do the WORK.


If we want to change our lives we have to do the WORK. 

The WORK involves becoming aware of how we react to the people and events in our lives and being gentle with ourselves in the process. 

Remember- your life is not what happens to you it is how you react to what is happening to you. 

And most of the time we are unaware that we are reacting to our lives based on information from subconscious programs that may not help us become the best version of ourselves. 

So ask yourself:  Why do I get so angry in traffic? Why does that person get on my nerves? Why do I run away from certain situations? Why do I always seem to be taken advantage of?

Our reactions are powerful clues to uncovering our subconscious programs. 

And the first step toward breaking free from a program that is no longer serving us is realizing what they are.

As Eckhart Tolle writes in A New Earth, “we look at the present through the emotional lens of the past within you. What you see and experience is not in the event or the situation but in you.” 

Once we witness our reactions, we can choose to react differently or not react at all. 

When we change our reactions, we begin to rewire our brains and create new subconscious programs. 

And our lives will begin to change.  

Becoming conscious of our programs is big work. Remember to be kind to yourself on your journey toward consciousness. 


Act as if.


How to Practice Happiness.