Leverage your language


The words we speak have the power to change our lives. 

We all know that our words matter, however we don’t often stop and think about their impact on our quality of life. 

Do you know that you can learn to Leverage your Language to create a happier more fulfilling life?

Neuroscience research has proven that positive language can actually increase our brain power, creativity and resilience. 

Our words affect how we think and feel. And our thoughts and feelings create our subconscious stories. And our subconscious stories create our lives.

So if we want to change our lives we need to learn how to Leverage our Language.

A good start is to practice the following word swaps in your daily conversations- both with other people and most importantly in the conversations you have with yourself. 

Instead of: I never/I always/I can’t - Say: Up until now I haven’t 

Instead of: I have to-Say: I get to 

Instead of: I’ll try to - Say: I plan to 

Instead of: But- Say: And

Instead of: I ought to or should - Say: I choose to 

Instead of: This is difficult or impossible- Say: This is an opportunity 

Instead of: I am overwhelmed- Say: I can handle anything that comes my way

Instead of: That’s just the way I am- Say: I am willing and able to grow and change 

And heres a bonus magical “Language Leverager"- practice starting a sentence with the words “I am so happy and grateful that” or “I am so fortunate that”…… These words will immediately shift your focus to all the good in your life. 

And what you focus on expands. 

How will your life begin to change once you learn to Leverage your Language? 


The Being behind the Doing.


You bring the meaning