The Being behind the Doing.


We all play roles in our lives. 

Some of them are pre-established roles such as parent, child, coworker or neighbor. 

Other roles are acquired through our occupations, titles or degrees- salesperson, doctor, teacher, boss, expert. 

Our roles are not necessarily an issue, however when we become attached to our roles or confuse a role with who we really are, we limit ourselves. 

Often we aren't even aware of the roles we play- we just believe the role is who we are. 

Just think of how you would fill in the blank after the words I am……. most of us would answer with a role- I am a parent, I am a lawyer, etc. 

But is that who you really are? And if you do identify as your role than who are you when your child grows up and leaves home? Who are you if you lose your job title? 

When we define ourselves and others by our roles, we lose sight of our true selves. 

We get lost in ego, judgement and comparison.

We fail to have authentic interactions with each other - or even really listen to others. 

We limit our creativity and our power. 

We hide behind our roles- seeking the perceived safety in predictability.

It doesn’t have to be this way. We can play a role without it becoming our identity. 

When you let go of your attachment to your role you learn that who you really are is pure consciousness, a loving presence - what Eckhart Tolle calls “the Being behind the Doing”. 

Like all change this process starts with Awareness. Practice observing yourself and others. Discover who you really are independent of your roles. 

We can have compassion for ourselves and others. We can see our shared humanity. We can imagine a new future, a new earth. 

We can get to know our true self- independent of the worlds definition of us. 

And we can learn to fall in love with that true self. 

This is Big Work. Be kind and gentle with yourself as you learn to let go of your role. 

And your life will begin to change. 



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