Start with you.
As we work to reimagine and transform our world, we need the very best version of you.
We have all heard Gandhi’s famous quote “Be the Change you Wish to see in the World.” - but what does that really mean?
Being the change means that if you dream of living in a more loving, fairer, just society, you must begin by becoming the highest fullest version of yourself.
Because until we heal from the issues that are holding us back, we will not create the new world that we all wish to see.
We see you. Your trauma is real. Your pain is real. And so is the possibility to heal. The work of becoming conscious- healing from old emotional wounds and habitual patterns is the important first step we all must take.
So Start with You.
Let go of judgement.
Witness your reactions.
Forgive others.
Forgive yourself.
Practice patience.
Release resentments.
Reparent yourself.
Question your beliefs.
Become aware of your subconscious patterns.
Work on regulating your emotions.
Catch your negative self talk.
Surround yourself with supportive uplifting people.
Love yourself. love yourself. love yourself.
The road to Self Healing can be bumpy. The process is sometimes messy. Its not always easy. But it is necessary. Because we have to to heal ourselves before we can heal the world.
So Start with you. Be the change.
The world needs the best of us. And the time is now.