We live in an “attraction based” Universe. Whatever we think about, talk about & give our energy to, expands in our lives.
The Universe is always saying YES to us- always responding to our dominant intentions.
Life always says Yes. Yes to all Requests.
It doesn’t matter whether you are saying “Please give me this” Or “Please don’t give me that” because the universe (life, godstuff, spirit -whatever you call the energy that connects us) only always says Yes to your overall intention. There is no such word as No in a universe that is based on Attraction.
This can be extremely challenging to understand. It can feel like victim blaming or toxic positivity- you might say- there are plenty of things I want (wish for, ask for) and don’t get and plenty of things I don’t ask for & get anyway!
However, we draw events and circumstances to us through our energy & intentions. Simply put-what we focus on, expands.
So if we are constantly complaining about (giving energy to) something we don't like in our lives, we are actually saying “Please come to me this thing I do not want. Stay right here this flaw, this lack, this negative situation- I want you to stay & that is why I keep talking about & thinking about you all the time”.
We are creating our lives with our thoughts, words & emotions.
This is actually very good news. If you know that whatever you focus on expands, then you can choose what you focus on. And you can choose to focus on what you DO want.
If there is something in your life that you don’t want, try as much as possible to turn your attention from it. Just focus your energy as much as possible on something that you do want. Try to be in the feeling place of it.
For example- You might still be working a job you don’t like however, you can do the job & not put your energy toward all the things you hate about it. Stop caring about office gossip or how inept your boss is- focus on your new life & put your energy on your future.
Watch your words. Clean up your energy. Focus on the good. Tell a new story. Practice gratitude.
This is Big Work. Be kind and gentle with yourself as you become aware of what you are requesting.
And know that the Universe always says Yes.
Yes to all Requests.