In order to bring about real & lasting change, we must learn to get into the feeling place of what it is we want before it becomes a reality in our lives.
You need to “Match” the emotion of your new life before you “Hatch” your new life.
This can be a challenging practice. How do we Match the emotion of having our dream job, partner, home etc. while we are still feeling the emotions of our current life? How do we feel it before we can see it?
The first step is to become aware that we have the ability to manufacture the emotion of the thing without the experience of the actual event. We do this all the time- we think about the upcoming blind date & feel nervous- we anticipate the Monday meeting & feel dread. Our brains have the amazing ability to create an emotion by thought alone.
Once you are aware that it is possible to create an emotion, then it just takes practice.
Identify what your dream life would feel like and then practice Matching those emotions before you take action toward that new life.
Let’s say you want to leave your current job and “hatch” your own business.
What would it FEEL like to be living that future life as an entrepreneur? Can you name the emotions?
Perhaps you would feel Free? Excited? Purposeful? Brave? Powerful?
Once you can name your future feelings, you can start to practice feeling those emotions now. And like anything we practice it gets easier the more we do it-
just try to keep feeling the feelings of your dream life now.
It might be easier to match the emotions of your future life if you understand the science behind this practice.
Quantum Physics calls this “Matching it before we Hatch it” our Electromagnetic Signature. We carry this Electromagnetic Signature with us & vibrate into the quantum field of possibilities.
We we combine a clear intention (what we want to Hatch) with an elevated emotion (our Match) we become vibrationally aligned with a potential that exists in the quantum field.
When we are emotionally Matched with the emotions of what we want to Hatch, we begin to see possibilities & opportunities. People come into our lives, doors open, coincidences happen.
So practice feeling the emotions of what you want to create.
And once you Match it, then you are ready to Hatch it!