Look for the Good…


This simple little mantra has been on repeat in my head this past few days. Look for the good and add to it. 

Somedays it can feel so easy to allow hopelessness and helplessness overtake us.  

The virus rages. Protests continue- politics, the economy- the dysfunction of our whole social system- it’s all so much to bear.  

And against the backdrop of so much collective pain we are all facing our own personal challenges and tragedies- - the loss of a job, a relationship, a home or the death of a loved one. 

We can easily get overwhelmed and wonder what can be done by just one person. How can one person help to heal our broken world? 

So I keep coming back to this mantra- Look for the good and add to it.  When it all seems to much we can look for the good. 

We must learn to look for the good. 

Often its really all we can do. 

Because what you focus on expands. So why not choose to focus on the good? 

This is not toxic positivity. Shifting your focus doesn’t mean denial of reality.  When you choose to focus on the good you will still face challenges and feel down sometimes.

But if you practice shifting your focus, you will see your life begin to change in a positive direction. Positive Psychology has even proven that people are more successful and creative simply by focusing on the good in their lives. 

If nothing else, it will make you feel better- it will enable you to get out of yourself and take a positive action- however small. it will give you gas in your tank to continue the fight. 

Focusing on the good reminds you that you are in control of your life. You can choose your thoughts, feelings and reactions. No matter what.

There is always always good if you choose to see it. So choose to focus on the good. And add to it. 


Don’t dream OF it….


I said to Myself…