
If we don’t learn to let go of our self-limiting beliefs and patterns, we will continue to create the same situations in our lives over and over again. 

Your external circumstances may change, however if you keep believing the same the story about who you are and your role in the world, the same patterns will continue showing up in your life. 

We have to Release it or we will Repeat it. 

Simple in theory? Yes. Easy to do. Nope. 

The reason it is so difficult to let go of our patterns and beliefs is that they are deeply ingrained in our subconscious minds and we are largely unaware of them. We’ve been repeating these patterns for so many years that they have just become “who we are”. 

So how do you start to release these old beliefs and stop repeating these self limiting subconscious stories? 

You have to make the Decision to live your life with more self awareness and question your beliefs, habits and behaviors. 

Let’s say you want to overcome some self limiting belief in your life. It might be people pleasing or perfectionism or any other pattern that doesn’t serve the highest best version of you. 

Ask yourself: - 

Where did I learn this role? 

Is it really true? 

Can I react differently?

What if I set a boundary?

What if I said NO? Then witness your reactions to people and situations.  

Practice letting go patterns that are no longer serving you. 

Spend time in meditation, future self journaling and breathe work. 

And remember, the current version of you is not who you are. it is who you have decided to be up until this moment and you can choose again. 

You can release it. You don’t have to repeat it.  

