
In times of extreme stress we often lose sight of Possibility. 

The possibility of joy

of kindness 

of hope 

of creativity 

of connection

of peace

of wonder 

When we are living our lives consumed by the survival emotions of fear, doubt, worry and regret, we miss out on the creative power of Possibility. 

And to make this more challenging, we are fighting against our brain’s innate “negativity bias” that keeps us on high alert in an effort to keep us safe. 

While its good to be prepared and to protect ourselves and each other, remaining in this heightened state of constant arousal is detrimental to our physical and mental well being. 

So how do we break out of a stressful cycle of fight and flight and find space for the possibility of more good in our lives?  

We must learn to Practice Possibility.

Because developing a Practice of Possibility is the way out of the our current loop of negativity. It is the way towards a happier, more peaceful life. 

Here are some simple steps to begin to develop your daily Possibility Practice. 

1-Make some Space- through breath work, meditation, journaling, movement- carve out a moment for yourself each day to turn off the worry.

2- Find the Wonder- in a child, a pet, nature, a connection, a kindness - at least once a day look around and allow yourself to be awestruck by the beauty around you.  

3- Do a Joy Review- at the end of each day- think about what went right, what you loved and what you are grateful for and what brought you joy.   

Follow these steps daily and you will begin to Practice Possibility. Your focus will start to shift. You will allow life to surprise and delight you. You will begin to see Possibility in your life- yes, even in stressful times.

And remember its a Practice. It’s simple but not always easy to do. k

Just keep Practicing Possibility.   

And your load will begin to get a little lighter and your world will begin to seem a little brighter.  

