
So many of us feel unfulfilled and uninspired in our current work, but we don’t take action toward a new life because we excel in the job we have. 

Of course having a job at all is something to be extremely grateful for- but if you have the longing to someday support yourself doing something that brings you more joy, purpose and meaning, then it is important to get really clear about where you are now. 

Is your work something that you really want to do or is it just something you are good at doing? 

Is it a Calling or a Competency? 

It can be difficult to discern the difference- We have to learn to quiet all of the external voices praising our skills and listen to that small voice within us. 

A Competency utilizes some of our talents

A Calling brings out our full potential 

A Competency is rewarded and reinforced by the external world

A Calling is often labeled as impractical and risky by the external world

A Competency keeps us “safe” and sometimes playing small

A Calling takes a leap into the Unknown

A Competency just pays the bills

A Calling connects us to our purpose and values

A Competency is “good enough”

A Calling shoots for the stars

A Calling is that little voice within that urges us to share our unique gifts with the world. 

And of course there is absolutely nothing wrong with working at a job to take care of yourself and those who depend on you. Just don’t forget to feed yours soul while you work to pay the bills. Don’t forget to let the joy in. I

This is your one precious life and if you feel called to do something you must find a way to answer that calling- even if it means staying where you are and making a plan to get your passion project or side hustle out into the world. 

Perhaps you find a way to add some of your Calling into your Competency ? 

Real change starts with questioning your current circumstances.

It might be a Competency but maybe it’s not your Calling. 

And knowing the difference will help you follow your heart and begin to change your life.  

