
If you can Challenge your thoughts then you can Change your thoughts. 

And if you can change your thoughts then you can change your life. 

Simple in theory? Yes. Easy to do? Nope. 

The reason it is so difficult to Challenge & Change our thoughts is because we are living our lives largely on autopilot -running on the programs of our Subconscious brain- never really thinking about what we are thinking about. 

Our Subconscious is the part of our brain that includes the shortcuts designed to keep us safe. It contains the programs we are born with (digestion, breathing & heartbeat etc.) & the programs we learned about how the world works and our place in it. 

And like breathing, we don’t even have to think about these patterns - they just keep playing out in the service of trying to keep us “safe” but what they end up doing is keeping us the same. 

We simply cannot Change our lives until we Challenge these subconscious programs. 

They are so powerful that even when we do try to change, we eventually fall back into the old patterns. Even if they aren’t serving our aspirations of the best versions of ourselves.

For example. if you internalized the belief that all romantic partners cheat & leave then your attempts to find a loving loyal partner will never come to fruition. 

These patterns become reinforced over time & so ingrained in us that eventually “I am unlucky in love” becomes just who you are. 

How do you Challenge your thoughts?  

You have to become AWARE of them. You have to learn how to think about what you think about.  Dig deep & challenge your patterns. 

Journaling works really really well to bring out your subconscious patterns. 

Ask yourself :

What patterns do I keep playing out in my life? 

Where and from whom did I learn these patterns? 

Can I separate myself from these patterns? 

Are they serving the version of myself that I want in my life? 

What am I telling myself or believing to be true?  

Be kind & gentle to yourself as you go through this process. 

Uncovering & overcoming years of programming is BIG WORK.

Just keep questioning. Keep Challenging.

Because if you can Challenge it, you can Change it.  

