
The Energy you bring to a task is much more important than the Effort you put into it. 

Our culture loves the Effort- we champion hard work and glorify busyness.

We have been taught that if we want to achieve a goal, we need to put in the effort and work smarter, strategize, overcome obstacles and outwit the competition. And if we fail, it must be because we didn’t work hard enough. 

It is rare that we pause and question what Energy we are bringing to the our Efforts. 

We are all about the Doing and very little about the Being.

Effort is absolutely required to achieve a goal. However, it is the Energy you bring to the task that determines the outcome.

Your Energy - your subconscious beliefs, thoughts, mindset, convictions and expectations can make the difference between achieving lasting change or staying stuck in a cycle of striving. 

So If you are struggling to achieve something in your life, ask yourself “what Energy am I bringing to my Effort?” 

Do you have the underlying belief that you will most likely fail? 

Does deep subconscious programming fuel a sense of Imposter Syndrome? 

Are you hoping or trying and deep down feeling like you should settle for “good enough’? 

OR… are you holding onto the mindset that will succeed no matter what? 

Are you viewing failure and setbacks as a lessons instead of defeats? 

Do you have an optimistic belief and a deep inner knowing that it will all work out?

Are you determined to see your goal made manifest in the world? 

Does it vary from day to day? hour to hour? 

Whatever your Energy you have is the foundation for your Effort.  

Focusing on your Energy does not negate that hard work and effort is important. We have examples all around us of people who have worked hard and achieved great things. But what we don’t see is the Energy they brought to their Efforts. 

So make the decision to discover what Energy you are bringing. Check in with yourself daily. Work on changing beliefs that are keeping you stuck. 

This is Big Work. Be kind and gentle with yourself in the process. 

And keep asking yourself what Energy are you bringing to the Effort? 

