Practicing Patterns…
Our Patterns are learned early in childhood. If they are left unexamined, then they are practiced subconsciously throughout our life. These recurring patterns are responsible for much of what we see manifested in our physical world- the same behaviors or experiences keep showing up in our lives- over and over again.
Because they operate on a subconscious level, we are largely unaware of the patterns we practice. They run on autopilot. So we keep repeating them over and over again.
Are you aware of the Patterns you Practice?
Often it can easier to see patterns in someone else’s life.
For example, most likely we all know some one who has an “I am always late” pattern. No matter what they try to do to be on time something always seems to come up to “make” them late after all.
In Psychology this is called Congruence- we have a pattern in our subconscious of who we think we are and we go out in the world unknowingly seeking out situations to fulfill those beliefs. We play out patterns that match how we feel inside - even if they aren’t always in our best interest.
You probably can think of a myriad of patterns that people practice: the “my life is filled with drama” pattern, the “I can’t catch a break” pattern, the “I am always broke” pattern, the “I can never get organized” pattern, the “I am always overwhelmed” pattern- and so so many more.
Once you observe someone else’s patterns, you just might be able to start to see your own patterns.
So if you want to change a negative pattern, the first and most important step is to become Aware. Practice being an observer of your own life.
Simply recognize that we all operate on patterns - just notice your reactions and your tendencies. Journal. Meditate. Notice.
Once you become conscious of a subconscious pattern it loses its power over you. Then you can question if it is serving the life you really want to live.
Awareness will help you gain separation from your patterns. You will learn that you are not your patterns. You are just a person who is playing out a pattern. You learned this behavior and you can learn a new one.
You can challenge the pattern. And what you challenge you can change.
So what Patterns do you no longer want to Practice?