What do you LOVE?


Sometimes the biggest challenge in changing our lives is actually knowing what we really want. 

In order to change our current circumstances we have to know what we want our lives to look like.  

This is where making a “Love List” can be extremely helpful. 

A Love List is just what is sounds like - a list of everything that you love to do/are interested in and gives you joy. 

It’s not a gratitude list or a “to do” list or a list of goals or achievements. 

It is simply a list of what lights you up!

Perhaps your list might include tap dancing, bread making, numbers, brain science- whatever it is that you LOVE. 

A Love List works to help you change your life because: 

It’s a non judgmental place to allow yourself to dream. 

It is a shortcut to discovering what you want your new life look like. 

It gives your secrets a place to live. 

It helps you find patterns in seemingly disparate interests.

It gets you one step closer to making your new life a reality.

How to make your Love List:  

  • Gather your materials- a big pad of paper/colored markers or a journal or whiteboard. 

  • Find a quiet time when you can be alone 

  • Give yourself permission to Dream without knowing HOW

  • Be kind and gentle to with yourself as you go through this process. 

  • And allow yourself to discover what you Love. 

Because you might not think you know what you want, but the truth is you DO know. 

What you really want in life is buried under years of social cultural conditioning- subconscious beliefs- societal pressures and expectations.

And a Love List can help you uncover what it is you really want and bring your dreams into reality. 

So what’s on your Love List? Will you allow yourself to dream? 



Practicing Patterns…