Our Beliefs are just thoughts that we accept as truth. And these repetitive thoughts often keep us from living the best version of our lives.
We have Beliefs about everything- relationships, money, jobs and our own capabilities and worthiness. We have Beliefs about what is possible for us and how the world works.
And over time, our Beliefs become our reality.
So, if our limiting Beliefs are holding us back, how do we move past them?
How do we find Relief from our Beliefs?
1- First and foremost, become aware that your Beliefs are just thoughts that you continue to think, not truths. Often our Beliefs are so deeply buried in our subconscious that we just accept them as our reality, So awareness is a crucial part of moving forward.
2- Discover the origin of your Beliefs. We develop the lens through which we see the world from our early childhood experiences. For example, when learning a lack Belief about money perhaps the message was explicit (your father told you “money doesn’t grow on trees!” or implicit (you watched your mother get visibly upset every time she paid the bills). However we learned them, we carried these with us into our adulthood and our beliefs
3- The next step is to Replace your Beliefs with new ones- if a Belief is just a thought that you have continued to think, then you can think a new thought and develop a new Belief. Use affirmations and journaling. Get into the feeling place of the new belief.
This is Big Work- be kind and gentle with yourself as you work on letting go of long held, deeply rooted limiting beliefs. And know that replacing them with affirmations of the opposite will feel like a lie at first- it will seem like you are denying reality. Because you are. You are denying the reality you have created with your repetitive thoughts.
The good news is that when you change your Beliefs, your actions will follow. Whether your Belief is its about money or relationships or your own worthiness- you will act differently based on your new beliefs.
New opportunities and possibilities will appear.
And your life will begin to respond to your new Beliefs.
Become aware of what you believe to be true. Know where you learned them from and work on replacing them.
And you will be on your way to finding Relief from your Belief.