
Do you believe Positive Change can come from Negative events? 

Research shows that it does. Positive Psychologists have been studying the phenomena of Post Traumatic Growth for years and have discovered that people who endure extreme adversity often experience positive personal growth afterward.

As we look at the events of this unbelievably challenging year and a half, it can be difficult to imagine that any good can come of all the stress, crisis and trauma that global events have brought to so many people. 

However, some people are able to actually Bounce Back Better after tragic events. 

Are you able to look back and discover how you have experienced positive personal growth in the past year despite the struggles you've endured?  

Can you see how you may have been changed for the better by the challenge? 

Bouncing Back Better might manifest in your life as: 

The ability to see new Possibilities 

A renewed sense of Gratitude

A new belief in your own Power and Resilience. 

A focus on what really matters. 

A longing for authentic connections 

A deeper appreciation for life.

However, while the benefits of Bouncing Back Better would definitely enhance our lives, some of us have a more challenging time getting there than others.  

How do we focus on the Positive so we can Bounce Back Better? 

The magic key is GRATITUDE. 

What are you grateful for that happened over the past year or so? What did you learn or gain that you want to carry with you? 

Time with your family? Your health?  The kindness of strangers? 

Whatever it is that you are grateful for- Focus on it . Find more of it. Double down on it. 

Just keep focusing on the good and you will get more of it. 

And you will begin to Bounce Back Better. 

