When it comes to creating our dream life, we can be our own worst enemies.
We may have a spark of an idea of how to move forward and then it is often our own Doubt that puts it Out.
Our Doubt- our inner critic, self judgement and subconscious programming keeps us from achieving our goals.
Doubt cripples our creativity, corrodes our courage and invites in judgment and comparison.
Doubt tells us we aren’t good enough, talented enough, educated enough - just simply not enough.
So how do stop this seemingly never-ending cycle of self sabotage?
If you want to ditch the Doubt, just remember to ACT - Accept, Create & Trust
Accept that self Doubt is a part of being human. We all have Doubts- it just Biology. Our Brains are wired to fear change and try to keep us “safe” by keeping us from changing. Accepting this fact can make it easier to keep pushing on when Doubt tries to put our dream out.
Create a “Future Self” vision. Meditating and Journaling about what your dream life would look and feel like is a powerful Doubt chaser. A good place to begin is with the Future Self Journal from @theholisticpsychologist.
Trust that your goal or dream exists on the other side of Doubt. Trust that you have all you need to achieve your goal. Trust yourself to hold your own hand and walk through the Doubt because you know it is the only way to get to the other side.
And remember, the Power of a clear intention coupled with an elevated emotion and backed by an unshakable belief is unstoppable.
The only thing that can truly put the flame of desire Out is our own self Doubt.
Just remember to ACT- Accept, Create and Trust.
And the next time you feel Doubt creep in, you won’t let it put your dream out.