The PATH to positive change begins when we start to Pay Attention To our Habits.
Early on in life we learn how the world works & our place in it. These “rules” become Habitual ways of thinking, feeling & acting. These Habits are so deeply imbedded in our powerful subconscious minds that they become the organizing principles for our lives.
If we don’t Pay Attention To our Habits, then we exist in a sort of “waking sleep”, repeating the same patterns and having the same reactions over & over again. We live our lives on a sort of Autopilot.
To grow & change, we need to move beyond our Habitual patterns. And becoming Aware of them is the crucial first step.
Perhaps you grew up in a home where there was a lot of conflict and arguing. You learned to be a “good” kid, to focus on others needs and not to be any trouble to anyone. You got the message- don’t rock the boat and no one will get upset.
As you grew up, the pattern of being a “good at all costs” stayed with you and became part of your subconscious programming- now you continue to people please, put yourself last & have trouble setting healthy boundaries.
You might just think this is just the way you are. The truth is this in NOT who you are- these are just the habitual patterns you learned in childhood.
And the good news is you can relearn them!
Our big beautiful brains have the twin superpowers of Metacognition & Neuroplasticity- We can think about what we think about. And we can change our Habitual programming.
So how do you begin to Pay Attention To your Habits?
Quiet your mind. Meditate. Notice. Question. Journal. Visualize. Act as if. Take small conscious action in a new direction.
All of these practices will help to overcome subconscious programming and rewire your brain.
And please remember to be kind and gentle with yourself as you go through this process of becoming aware. Waking up from your subconscious habitual patterns is Big Work.
Stay on the PATH- just keep Paying Attention To Habits.
Once we are aware of our Habits, we can change them. And we can change our lives.