When we really want something to happen in our lives it can be difficult to let go of how it will come to us.
We go on an amazing first date, have an interview for our dream job or find our perfect home and we want it all to work out so much that we try to force it to happen.
But when we force it to happen we limit ourselves to only one possible outcome. And if it doesn’t happen that way or with this person, we are devastated and we lose hope that it will ever happen for us.
So when we really want something, it can be helpful to remember to practice the Law of Detachment.
The Law of Detachment states that in order to acquire anything in the physical universe, you must relinquish your attachment to it.
You don’t give up your interest in the thing. Nor do you give up your intention or desire.
You just LET GO and no longer worry about HOW it will come to you.
You are Detached, not Disinterested.
You still have goals, plans and intentions- you just stay open to the infinite possibilities of HOW you will get from point A to point B.
You let go. You still want the life partner, perfect job or dream house but you don’t have to know how it will come to you.
Detachment can be an extremely challenging practice. We have been conditioned to plan, strategize, rationalize, judge, predict and find solutions.
However, when we let go of the how, we are open to all possibilities.
We are more creative, resilient and trusting. Our lives become calmer. We align with the energy of what we want. We take inspired action. We know it will come, we just let go of the how.
So when you really want something, can you practice staying Detached?
Will you embrace uncertainty and allow for infinite possibilities?