Clear minds. Open hearts.


To change something in our lives we must be able to pair a Clear Intention with an Elevated Emotion

We must know exactly what we want AND we must teach ourselves to feel the emotions of achieving our goal before it actually appears in our lives. 

Yes this is much much easier said than done. But once you master the skill of experiencing the emotions of achieving your goal before the event, real change happens. And it can happen quickly. 

Remember you get what you FEEL not just  what you think. 

Consider this, you are a salesperson and you set an intention to sell $5 million in sales by the end of 2019. This is your clear intention- $5 million.  BUT then you look at your pipeline and the fact that there are only 47 days left in the year and you immediately FEEL that you cannot achieve your goal. You give up and start focusing on next year.

What if instead of feeling powerless you could feel the elevated emotions of having achieved your goal NOW before it happens? And what if the way you feel about your goal can help you achieve it? 

How would it FEEL like to make the $5 million in sales? 

Our big beautiful brains can call up Emotions by thought alone. We don’t need the event to feel the feelings. 

So you set your Clear Intention ($5 million in sales) with the Elevated Emotions of having achieved your goal ( Confidence. Joy. Pride. Relief. Abundant.) 

The amazing research of Dr. Joe Dispense has shown that Thoughts are electric and emotions are magnetic. His book becoming supernatural goes into this in great detail. 

So your thought puts your goal out into the world and your emotions draw it to you

Make the decision to Set your Clear Intention and Feel those Elevated Emotions now. Align your energy with the experience. Experience the emotions of already having it. 

And go about your days living from the emotions of already having what you want and watch your world change. 


Three little words.


Are you pushing it away?