Three little words.


Up Until Now. 

Three little words that have the power to change your subconscious programming. 

We live 95% of our time in our subconscious minds, running the programs of how we have figured out how the world works. We have learned the ‘rules” early on from our parents and society. And we rarely question these beliefs. Even if they are holding us back from achieving our goals. 

Up Until Now. 

If we want to change our lives, we have to change our subconscious programming. 

And Three little words can be extremely beneficial to help us reprogram our limiting thoughts and beliefs. 

Up Until Now. 

Up Until Now works to reprogram our subconscious because these words don’t deny the “reality” of our programs, they guide us  to pivot in the now and reframe our beliefs into a more positive future.  

So instead of saying to yourself: I don’t have time to exercise.  Say:  Up until now, I haven’t made the time to invest in my health. 

Instead of: I always get a cold that last 2 weeks Say: Up Until Now, my immunity hasn’t been as strong as it is. 

Instead of: I’ve never earned that much. Say: Up Until Now,  I settled for less than I am worth. 

Instead of: I always have a messy home. Up Until now,  I never made it a priority to be neat & organized.

The words you choose are powerful and your subconscious is always eavesdropping on the conversations you have with yourself and others. 

Your words create feelings and your feelings create your life. 

Make the decision to change by adding 3 little words.   

What are your Up until nows?


Why change is so difficult.


Clear minds. Open hearts.