
When it comes to changing our lives, how we feel matters. Our emotions are a crucial first step in the creation process. 

However, often we are waiting for our lives to change in order to feel good. We say “when this event happens or that thing appears, then I will feel good.” This waiting to feel good keeps us stuck in our current reality. 

We have to learn to Feel greater than our current reality in order to create a new one.  

We have to Feel it First. 

Easy in theory? Yes. Easy to do? Nope. 

The reason “Feeling it First” is such a challenge is that we are constantly getting feedback about “what is” in our lives. 

Our emotional state is reinforced by the conditions of our lives. 

We want financial abundance but we look at our bank account & feel lack. 

Or we want a romantic partner but are alone so we feel lonely. 

We say “how can I feel good when I see nothing in my life to feel good about?” 

When we allow the current circumstances of our lives to dictate how we feel, we can only create more of the same. The only way to break out of this Thinking - Feeling loop is to learn how to Feel it First. 

Your emotions send out energy & your energy creates a magnetic field.  

If you want to be wealthy, you have to feel abundant now. If you want a partner, you have to feel the love & support now. Whatever it is you want to create, you have to Feel it First. 

How do you begin to Feel it First?  You use your innate super power- your imagination. 

We have the ability to conjure up feelings regardless of our external circumstances.  

You do this all the time, You imagine an event & that thought creates a feeling. You can create an emotion by thought alone. 

So figure out what it would Feel like to live the life of your dreams & feel those Feelings now. 

Remember, everything we want in life is because we think we will feel better in the having of it.

So Feel it First. Feel good now. And watch your life begin to change for the better. 

