Oh Envy. It can be a dream killer. It can stop us in our tracks.
Most of us have felt envious of someone else’s success at some point.
We witness them get the book deal, start the business or build the dream home and we feel envious. And if we are on a creative journey towards a new life the jealously can sting even more- we see people doing the thing we so want to do and we feel defeated.
We feel Discouraged. Angry. Judgmental. Insecure. Insignificant.
All of these negative emotions not only make us feel even worse, they are certainly not a strong foundation on which to build our dreams.
So if Envy is keeping us stuck, could we learn to use it to our advantage?
What if you chose to let your Envy be an Entry into the life you want to create?
You could let Envy be the Entry towards what’s possible for you. As in- If they can do it you can do.
Let it be the Entry towards dreaming bigger. Perhaps you’ve been playing it safe by playing it small?
Let it be the Entry towards knowing what it is that you really want. Envy can breed clarity.
Let it be the Entry towards letting go of your story- is it true? why NOT yoLet it be the Entry towards courage. Send that person love and gratitude and get into the arena with them.
Let it be the Entry towards Trust. Towards Faith. Towards Perseverance.
So the next time you find yourself feeling a big dose of dream crushing Envy don’t let it take you down a negative path. Don’t let it keep you from living the life you want to live.
Take a break. Take a breath. Take an inspired action towards your goal.
Take that Green Eyed Monster gently by the hand and let them guide you towards your dream.
Envy can bring you down or Envy can be the fuel that sparks a renewed sense of purpose.
You get to choose. You are in control of your reactions.
Can you choose to let Envy be your Entry towards a whole new you?