One of the most valuable life lessons we can ever learn is that we are in charge of how we feel. Really. Always. All the time. Yes even now.
It all depends on what we focus on.
So once you know that you can control how you feel, you need to figure out where your focus is…..
Ask yourself….. are you looking at your life and constantly asking WTF? WTF? WTF?
Or are you asking WTJ?
What the Joy?
What the Joy?
What the Joy!
What we focus on, we get more of. And we get to decide if we focus on the JOY in our lives or on all of the WTF moments.
So if we can choose what we focus on and we get more of what we focus on, then why wouldn’t we choose to always focus on Joy?
The challenge is that the primitive part of our brains is wired to look for the WTF moments. It’s called our Negativity Bias- eons ago looking for what could go wrong kept us safe- focusing on the possibility of the saber tooth tiger attack kept us from being destroyed- looking for Joy did nothing to keep us alive.
We have to overcome this bias toward the negative and practice focusing on Joy.
Practice thinking about what you think about.
Thoughts produce emotions. We can decide how we think. And therefore we decide how we feel.
We have the power to make thought more real than actual circumstances!
So you can say WTF? or WTJ? You get to choose.
Next time you find yourself asking WTF? Can you choose to ask WTJ? Instead?
Focus on the What The Joy moments in your life and you will get more of them.