Most everyone has heard about the potential power of manifesting a new life by creating a Vision Board.
The theory behind this exercise is that if we want to manifest a new life we simply need to find images that represent our dream and attach them to a poster board.
Then we simply sit back, focus on the lovely images on our Vision Board and wait for our dreams to become reality!
But have you ever wondered why your vision boards often fail to bring about real and lasting change in your life? You might be looking at your board right now and wondering when the “Magic” is going to kick in!
The reason Vision Boards often don’t work is because it is the emotional intention behind them that powers them.
It’s the Vibration behind the Vision that matters.
So ask yourself how you really feel when you look at the images on your Vision Board- What is the emotional “Vibration” of your internal dialogue ?
Is it something like this…..
“That’s impossible for me”
“I would love that but I don’t deserve it”
“I don’t know how that could happen for me”
Or are you saying things like….
“I am so excited for my future life”
“I am happy and grateful for all the coming to me
“I am looking forward to good I will bring to the world”
Do you feel the feeling of having that thing or experience in your life? Or do you look at your board feel the lack and frustration of not having it?
The trick is to focus more on the “what if” of your future life and less on the “what is” of your current situation.
Because you cannot receive something different then the Vision that is within you.
Work on your Vibration first. This is big work. Be kind and gentle with yourself.
And let your Vibration power your Vision.