Whatever you think about, talk about and give energy to, strengthens or expands in your life.
Your Attention keeps it Alive.
And this isn’t just a “woo woo” metaphysical phenomenon. It is backed up by science.
Quantum physicists have discovered that we are not just independent observers of our lives. Our Attention- backed by our intention and energy- matters. In fact, our attention actually creates our lives.
This is known as the Observer Effect- when we put our attention on one “possibility’ in the quantum field which contains the waves of all possibility, our focus creates the particles of matter that we experience as the events and circumstances of our lives.
This is a big concept and one that can be challenging to understand. You mean I just look at something and then it appears in my life??
However, we have all experienced the Observer Effect. Think about the last time you wanted something- say a new car- didn’t you start to see that same make & model of car- even in that bright red that you love- everywhere?
Your focused Attention kept the image of the new car Alive in your experience.
So if our Attention is so crucial to creating our lives, wouldn’t it be wise of us to pay attention to what we pay attention to?
Shouldn’t we want to focus our attention on the Good in our lives and the positive change we want to achieve?
So ask yourself where your Attention is most of the time? Are you focuses on thoughts of doubt, worry or self limiting beliefs? Or are you focused on possibility, joy and inspiration?
Journaling is a good place to start to notice where your Attention is focused.
Write down your goals. What do you want to change? What do you want more of in your life? This is attention in action- the mental focus actually writing down what you want to achieve is extremely helpful in the creation process.
Try out the Future Self Journal from the @theholisticpsychologist is a wonderful practice to help you focus your Attention.
Learning to pay attention to where your Attention is Big Work. So be kind and gentle with yourself.
And just keep focusing on what you want to have more of in your life.
Your Attention keeps it Alive.