In order to create something new, you must be able to envision and feel a future independent of your current circumstances. 

You must imagine the opposite of what you can see, taste and touch in your external environment. 

But how do you feel abundant when you look at the current $ amount in your bank account? 

How do you feel the love a a supportive partner when you are all alone?

How do you feel the creativity and freedom of your dream job when you feel stuck in the monotony of your current one? 

Deliberate Daydreams are the key. 

You must cultivate a practice of Deliberately Daydreaming about what your future life would look and feel like. And you must do this every day. 

Deliberate Daydreaming is a form of focused mental rehearsal which has been proven to rewire neural networks and make our thoughts so real that our brains actually change to look like the physical event has already happened. 

This might sound like the stuff of fantasy, however anyone who has ever changed their life has done this. Before they took action they were able to imagine and feel a future greater than their current reality. 

Deliberate Daydreams basically prime our neural pathways ahead of the physical event  and allows it to manifest in our lives.  

So how do we begin a Deliberate Daydream practice? 

Find a time each day to be alone in meditative silence for at least 15 minutes.

Clear your mind and just allow yourself to imagine what it would feel like to have to live the future life you want to create. 

Give yourself permission to be free and spontaneous.

What would your future self say/ How would you feel? How would you move about the world?

With dedicated practice, your deliberate daydreams will begin to actually change your brain and chart a map to your future. 

You will become aware of new opportunities. You will be open to more possibilities. You will be more courageous and willing to take a risk. 

You will begin to actually feel your future.

You create your reality. The way you think and feel directly effects your life. 

And If you can change your thoughts, you can change your life. 

So will you begin to practice the power of Deliberate Daydreams? 


