Making a change can feel risky. We don’t know for sure what will happen. And we are actually wired to fear change because But when we don’t take the leap into the unknown and stay in our familiar comfort zones, we are taking an even bigger Risk.
A Risk not taken is still a Risk.
So the next time you are contemplating a big change that feels a bit scary, ask yourself:
What would you be Risking if you didn’t take the Risk?
Perhaps you would risk not living up to your potential.
Or not ever earning what you are worth?
Maybe its the Risk of not having the adventure, not meeting the person or not knowing what true capabilities.
Is it the Risk of not feeling alive in every moment? Of not playing full out? Of not living your life on purpose? Not sharing your gifts with the world.
The risk of getting to the end of your life and being filled with regrets of a life not fully lived.
We are hard wired to fear change because our brains actually perceive it as a dangerous choice. But staying the same doesn’t really keep us safe. Staying the same just keeps us the same.
So yes, taking the leap is a Risk. And not taking it is a Risk as well.