
Often what holds us back from making a change in our lives is that we don’t feel Ready. 

We think that one day after enough time and preparation we will finally feel ready to take the actions necessary to change our lives. However, if we wait to feel ready we will be waiting forever. Because the truth is, we will never feel completely ready to do something we have never done before. 

Change is always going to feel uncomfortable. Our emotional brain sees change as danger so of course we feel unsafe taking a leap into the unknown. 

This is why anyone who has ever made a change in their life has felt some level of unreadiness. 

So the challenge is to learn not wait on Ready, to do the thing before we feel fully prepared, to not listen to the voice in our head telling us to wait until we feel better prepared to move forward. 

We need to push past our need to feel ready and take the action. 

We need to learn the difference between preparation and procrastination. 

Don't wait for ready.

Waiting on ready can sound like: 

I need more education. I need to have more money saved. I need to take one more online class. I need this credential or that certificate. I need to wait until I move to a new place or my kids leave the house. 

Learn to question these beliefs. Ask yourself if these are really things you need to do before you move forward or if they are excuses that keep you in your comfort zone. 

Because your excuses will keep you waiting on ready. 

If you do the hard work of becoming aware of your feelings and motivations, you will begin to know the difference with true preparation and the procrastination of waiting on ready.

Of course you need to take the necessary steps to go after your dream- if you want to be an attorney, you go to law school but just know on that first day as you walk into your new life, you will never feel completely ready. 

There is no ready. Ready never comes. So stop waiting on it. 

And know that the process of learning about yourself is BIG WORK so be kind and gentle with yourself as you learn to stop waiting on Ready. 

