You Endorse it with your Energy
Whatever you give your energy to in your life, you endorse.
Your focused energy- your thoughts and feelings - sends out a signal that says YES I support this, YES I want more of this, YES I endorse this situation or event.
What you give your attention to becomes more prominent.
What you focus on expands.
You Endorse it with your Energy.
It may be sometimes difficult to believe that your energy has an effect on your life. We all have challenging situations that we are dealing with- especially these days.
However, we have more control over the events in our lives than we many realize. Whatever difficulty we are facing, the energy we bring to the situation can make it better or worse.
We have all had the experience of “waking up on the wrong side of the bed” with a negative attitude and from there we kept focusing on everything that was going wrong and a bad day gets worse.
Conversely we have all started our days with a sunny attitude and we endorsed the positive events with our focused energy and our days got even better.
We are in control of our energy. We always have a choice. Where we put our focus matters.
We may not be able to choose the events in our lives but we can always always choose the energy we bring to those events.
So…… do the Big Work of becoming Aware. Become aware of what you are thinking and feeling. Become aware of the energy you are putting out.
Because you will get more of what you are focusing on.
You Endorse it with your Energy.
What are you endorsing today?