You know what you want.
You have to know what you want to get what you want.
However, when we decide to make a change in our lives we often have a difficult time figuring out exactly what it is that we want.
We say we know we want to change something but we don’t know what our ideal life even look like?
What do we really want? Often the answer is “I don’t know.”
Here’s the Truth- you DO know.
You know what you want.
BUT you just don’t think its possible.
You do know what you want but you don’t know how it will come to you.
You do know what you want but you don’t feel you deserve it.
You do know want you want but you feel guilty for wanting it.
So you don’t even allow yourself to even dream about what you want much less speak it out loud.
Instead, we rerun old subconscious beliefs about our limitations. We allow our pesky analytical minds to try to figure out how it will happen or worse try to keep us safe by avoiding change at all costs.
This is why affirmations and vision boards often fail to produce any real lasting results.
We clip out photos and write down our dreams and say YES! I want this! but that thought is immediately followed by some version of I can’t have this!
So how do we break out of the cycle of wanting but not believing?
We have to let go and teach ourselves to dream again.
Let go of the hows, the expectations, the shoulds, the unworthiness, the obstacles, the if thens & the yeah buts.
Get out of your thinking brain and into your feeling heart.
Your dreams live there. Let them out.
Because you cannot get the life you want if you don’t allow yourself to know what you want.
So will you allow yourself to DREAM?
Will you allow yourself to know what you want?